Remote work in the oil and gas sector: An organizational culture perspective

Adindu Donatus Ogbu 1, *, Williams Ozowe 2 and Augusta Heavens Ikevuje 3

1 Schlumberger (SLB), Port Harcourt, Nigeria and Mexico.
2 Independent Researcher; USA.
3 Independent Researcher, Houston Texas, USA.
Review Article
GSC Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 20(01), 188–207.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gscarr.2024.20.1.0261
Publication history: 
Received on 05 June 2024; revised on 13 July 2024; accepted on 16 July 2024
Remote work has significantly altered the landscape of various industries, including the traditionally onsite-dependent oil and gas sector. This review paper examines the influence of remote work on organizational culture within this sector, offering a comprehensive analysis of existing literature to understand the ramifications of this shift. The study's objectives include identifying the core components of organizational culture affected by remote work, understanding the challenges and opportunities presented by remote work practices, and proposing strategies for effectively managing these changes within the oil and gas industry.
Through a systematic review of academic journals, industry reports, and case studies, the paper synthesizes findings on how remote work has reshaped communication, leadership, and operational practices within the oil and gas sector. It highlights the dual nature of remote work's impact: on one hand, enhancing flexibility and potential for work-life balance; on the other, posing challenges for maintaining cohesive organizational culture, knowledge sharing, and employee engagement.
The key findings suggest that remote work can positively influence organizational culture by promoting digital transformation and innovative management practices. However, it also necessitates a reevaluation of traditional norms and values to prevent a disconnect between remote and onsite employees. The paper concludes that the successful integration of remote work within the oil and gas sector requires a deliberate approach to cultural adaptation. This includes investing in technology and training, fostering open communication, and developing inclusive policies that align with the sector's unique operational and cultural needs. By doing so, companies can leverage remote work to enhance their organizational culture, thereby improving resilience, efficiency, and employee satisfaction in the face of evolving work dynamics.
Remote work; Oil and gas industry; Organizational culture; Leadership dynamics; Cyber security in remote work; Employee well-being; Work-life balance
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