A kinetic and mechanistic study of oxidation of N-Acetyl-DL-Methionine by pyridinium chlorochromate in aqueous DMF medium

Munna Lal Meena *

Department of Chemistry, Govt. P. G. College Pratapgarh, 312605, Rajasthan, India.
Research Article
GSC Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 20(01), 484–494.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gscarr.2024.20.1.0311
Publication history: 
Received on 23 June 2024; revised on 25 July 2024; accepted on 28 July 2024
The Kinetics of Oxidative transformation of N-Acetyl-DL-Methionine by pyridinium chlorochromate in aqueous DMF medium, containing perchloric acid has been studied at 40 ℃. The rate of reaction was found to be of first order dependence on PCC, N-Acetyl-DL-Methionine, and H+ ion Concentration. Michaelis–Menten type kinetics is observed respect to substrate. The increase in the rate of reaction with increase in acidity indicates the involvement of a protonated chromium(VI) species in the rate-determining step. The product of oxidation has been identified as N-Acetyl-DL-Methionine sulfoxide. The rate of reaction increased with increase in dielectric constant of the reaction medium. The activation parameters have been evaluated. On the basis of the experimental findings, a suitable mechanism and rate law has been proposed.
Kinetics; Oxidation; DMF (N; N-dimethylformamide); N-Acetyl-DL-Methionine; PCC (pyridinium chlorochromate)
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