Ethics in clinical research
Department of Radiological science, Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences, Najran University, KSA, P.O.Box1989 KSA-Najran.
Research Article
GSC Advanced Research and Reviews, 2020, 05(02), 012-018.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gscarr.2020.5.2.0091
Publication history:
Received on 21 October 2020; revised on 04 November 2020; accepted on 06 November 2020
Ethics in medical education research is associated with any research concerning human participants and including anthropological tissue conducted by supervising and scholars of the University. It is associated with the accountability of the researcher, to be honest, and privacy and confidentially and autonomy and respectfully to all participants who affected by their research studies. Objectives of the review: The motivation behind this report is to look at the ethical issues raised when investigating including human members. In addition, to demonstrate the important ethical consideration with academic medical research. Conclusion: Ethics of restorative research on human subjects should be clinically supported and deductively stable. Educated consent is a compulsory segment of any clinical research. Investigators are committed to configuration look into protocols that build up guidelines of logical respectability, safeguard ethical and authoritative issues of the human subjects, and follow the conventions for forthcoming survey by independent research morals boards of trustees.
Ethics; Clinical research; Code of ethics; Humanities
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