What are the key factors of emerging markets for their economic recovery and growth after COVID-19?
School of Business & Economics, United International University, Madani Avenue, United City, Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh.
Research Article
GSC Advanced Research and Reviews, 2025, 22(03), 036-053.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gscarr.2025.22.3.0065
Publication history:
Received on 17 January 2025; revised on 24 February 2025; accepted on 27 February 2025
Various elements shape economies around the world and emerging markets are one of the major aspects of the global economy, especially after COVID-19. The factors influencing these emerging markets are quite necessary for monitoring as they maximize the interest of each market and facilitate it as a safety tool for any kind of future events. The purpose of this study is to find key factors that influenced emerging markets in economic crises to reestablish their trajectory and see effective development, especially focusing on the years’ post-COVID-19. The factors that affect each economy have their efficiency ratio; each factor is not equally effective in every economy. As our concern is the emerging market economy, which sits in the middle between developed and underdeveloped economies, the factors that are influencing them include manufacturing, services, technology, entrepreneurship, etc. The findings assessed the statistical data of the World Bank on 40 emerging markets from the annual year 2008 to 2022, to show four structural key factors including manufacturing, foreign direct investment (FDI), tax revenue, and internet users in the population (IUI) have a high impact on each nation’s gross domestic product (GDP) growth. The study utilizes econometric models and evaluation was done through regression, correlation, and descriptive analysis along with time series graphs to visualize their impact on GDP. The article has some limitations as other key structural factors involving broad money, domestic credit to the private sector by banks (DCPSB), research and development (R&D), trade, and trade in service do not create appropriate results to validate their role in these emerging markets. Unlike other studies, this study is effective as it introduces a new insight into economic growth, filling the gap in existing literature on emerging markets in the recent era due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
GDP Growth; Key Factors; Post COVID-19; Emerging Markets; Economy; FDI; Manufacturing
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