Comparative effect of chemical and organic fertilizers on primary metabolite contents of Ocimum bascilicum L. and Majorana hortensis Moench

Murthy Savitha M *, Tejaswini Arpana and Uthappa Reachal K.

Department of Botany, Mount Carmel College Autonomous, Bengaluru 560 052, India.
Research Article
GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2018, 05(01), 104–108.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gscbps.2018.5.1.0104
Publication history: 
Received on 19 September 2018; revised on 08 October 2018; accepted on 11 October 2018
Organic fertilizers are useful substitutes to inorganic fertilizers which improve the soil quality. In the present work, it was shown that organic fertilizers works better on primary metabolite contents of Ocimum basilicum and Marjorana hortensis than chemical fertilizers. Marjorana plant showed increased primary metabolite content compared to Ocimum plant under the treatment of organic fertilizers, but there was significant   difference between the two plants indicating organic fertilizers were better. It concludes in general that applying organic fertilizers to the plants is an ecofriendly technique to improve the yield and quantity of the plants.
Organic fertilizer; Morphology; Chemical fertilizer; Metabolite
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