Effect of processing method on proximate, minerals, phytochemcals and anti-nutrients present in Baobab seeds (Adansonia digitata)
Baobab seeds, Adansonia digitata, Proximate, Minerals composition, Phytochemicals, Anti-nutrientsAbstract
Baobab (Adansonia digitata) is a deciduous tree with many useful plants. The objective of this work was to determine the effect of processing methods on proximate, mineral composition, phytochemical and anti-nutrient of control, boiled, roasted and fermented samples of baobab seeds. The result showed that the protein content of the seeds of different process ranged from (32.87%) roasted to (32.13%) control sample. The fat content ranges from (30.97%) roasted to (29.77%) boiled seeds. The ash content ranges from (0.60%) boiled to (0.57%) fermented. The moisture content ranges from (9.03%) boiled to (8.53%) control sample. The carbohydrate content ranges from (29.93%) boiled to (26.73%) roasted seeds respectively. While the mineral composition of the seeds measure in (mg/100g) ranges from: Ca (188.33) fermented to (173.33) boiled, Fe ranges from (12.87) fermented to (11.73) boiled, Na ranges from (446.67) fermented to (416.67) boiled, Mg ranges from (55.00) fermented to (46.67) boiled, K ranges from (43.33) fermented to (33.33) boiled, Cu ranges from (0.83) fermented to (0.60) boiled seeds respectively. While the phytochemicals and antinutrient factors of the seeds measured in (mg/100g) ranges from: Alkaloids ranges from (30.00) control sample to (20.00) fermented, Flavonoids ranges from (61.67) fermented to (48.33) boiled, Steroids ranges from (20.00) fermented to (15.00) control sample, Tannins ranges from (140.00) roasted to (128.33) boiled , Saponins ranges from (45.00) control sample to (33.33) fermented, Protease Inhibitors ranges from (0.83) control sample to (0.40) fermented seeds respectively. The baobab seeds are a very proteinous with high mineral composition. Therefore, these seeds can be useful in the preparation of diets for people with low-level of mineral elements and also as dietary supplement in weaning food to improve quality of diets of infants and children.
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