Nutritional status and associated factors among elderly people in primary care center
Nutritional status, Malnutrition, Elderly, Primary Care CenterAbstract
Nowadays, Thailand is entering an aging society. There are many health problems of the elderly. One of the important problems is the problems from the deterioration of the body related to nutritional status. This study is aimed to explore nutritional status and the prevalence of malnutrition including related factors among the elderly in Primary Care Center. The subjects in this study are 250 elderly people living in the area of responsibility of Wat Phraya Tikaram Primary Care Center, selected by simple random sampling. The data are collected by interviewing the sample groups in the community. From December 2019 to January 2020 by using the Mini nutritional assessment®. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and multiple regression analysis by stepwise method. In totally 250 elderly people, 104 people are at risk of malnutrition or equal to 41.6% and 26 people, equal to 10.4%, are classified as malnutrition. Exercise, activities of daily living, body mass index, underlying disease, age and the presence of residents are the significant factor related to malnutrition among the elderly.
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