Modified Abdelhamid technique (modified TAPP with external fixation)
Laparoscopic transabdominal preperitoneal, Inguinal hernia, Repair, Mesh, Fixation, CostAbstract
Purpose Better fixation of the mesh with better application to the posterior inguinal wall. Background: Stapling of the mesh is costly, that is why in Abdelhamid technique we are fixing it to outside, reducing the cost and port sizes without jeopardizing the outcome .Our technique can adjust the tension applied to the mesh with better justification of the size of the mesh. Patients: The study was conducted at Beni _ Suef university hospitals, between April 2018 and April 2020. Included in the study were 30 patients with unilateral primary inguinal hernia. Methods: A prospective trial was conducted modifying Abdelhamid technique for laparoscopic. TAPP inguinal hernia repair in which we fixed the mesh to the anterior abdominal wall using two prolene threads that passed to the exterior and were tied in place but the mesh was applied under the cord. Results: The operative time ranged from 40 to 60 min and follow up was for 12–16 months, during which time there was no hernia recurrence, nor TAPP pain. The procedure showed better application of the mesh on the posterior inguinal wall with reduced port sizes and was also associated with reduced cost. Conclusion: Direct application of the mesh to the posterior inguinal wall is associated with better fixation with completely abolishing the disparity in the size between the mesh and the posterior abdominal wall.
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