Protective and curative mechanisms of echinochrome against 7, 12-Dimethylbenz[a]anthracene -induced renal toxicity in rats
Echinochrome, Renal toxicity, DMBA, Antioxidant, Sea urchinAbstract
Echinochrome (Ech) is one of the most important bioactive substance which is found in shells, spines, and eggs of the sea urchins. Aim: the present study was carried out to evaluate the curative and protective effects of Ech pigment against DMBA -induced renal toxicity in rats. Methods: Experimental rats were assigned into two main groups; protective group (treated with Ech for 14 days then administrated DMBA) and curative group (administrated DMBA then treated with Ech for 14 days). Each group is divided into 3 sub-groups; control, DMBA (15 mg/ kg body, weight orally), and Ech (1 mg/ kg body, weight orally). Results: The oral administration of Ech decreased the concentrations of urea, creatinine, uric acid, and MDA and increased GSH and CAT levels in both protective and curative groups. Moreover, histology of kidney tissue improved after the treatment with Ech. Conclusions: The results of the present study demonstrated the potential protective and curative activities of Ech against renal toxicity induced by DMBA through inhibiting the metabolism of DMBA and restoring the balance between ROS formation and internal antioxidant enzymes by its powerful antioxidant activity.
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