Assessment of road traffic accidents trauma using computed tomography scan in King Khalid Hospital, Najran province, KSA
Computed Tomography, Road Traffic Accident, Trauma, spine, HeadAbstract
Road accidents have been considered to be one of the primary causes of mortality and lifelong disability in the early decades of life in different countries, and road traffic injuries (RTI) have been identified as the ninth most common cause of disability adjusted life years (DALYs) lost for all age and gender categories. Multi-Detector Computerized Tomography( MDCT) scanners are widely used because they rapidly produce high-resolution scans of large areas, offering short examination times for multiple body regions under emergency conditions. A retrospective descriptive quantitative hospital based study conducted in 2522 patients their ages ranged (1-80) , aimed to assess RTA trauma in Saudi Population in Najran province (KSA) in King Khalid Hospital, using CT scan . Statistical analysis of the data was performed using the Microsoft Excel. The study found that there were 2295 males (91%) 227 females (9%), were effected by RTA , age group (21-30 years) which signified 1011(40.1%.), were frequently affected, spine and head were more affected and reported (980) (38.9%) , (692) (27.4%) respectively .The conclusion of the study achieved that CT imaging plays a major role in diagnostic workflow in the evaluation of patients with trauma those usually have simultaneous injuries to several anatomic regions or organs, it can decrease the serious time and increase survival.
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Copyright (c) 2021 A Fathelrahman Samia, J Al Haydar Maryam, A Alabbad Fatimah, M Alhajri Bayan, A Alshhri Zahraa, Alqahtani A, M Alwated Rawan

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