Interactions, space presentations, blocks and cross products


  • Gudrun Kalmbach HE MINT, PF 1533, D-86818 Bad Woerishofen, Germany.



Cross product, Quantization, Interaction, Spaces, Octonians


Physics counts four basic forces, the electromagnetic EMI, weak WI, strong SI interactions and gravity GR. The first three are provided with a unified theory which partly needs revision and has the symmetry U(1)xSU(2)xSU(3). In this article their space presentations are described in order to inlcude a theory for gravity which cannot be added directly to the standrd model. There are many instances of gravitational actions which are different from the other three interactions. Gravity uses geometrical models beside spactime, often projective, including stereographic and spiralic orthogonal subspace projections. Real and complex cross products, symmetries which belong to the complex Moebius transformation subgroups, complex cross ratios, Gleason frame GF measures, dihedrals nth roots of unity with symmetris are some new tools (figure 14) for a new gravity model.

The basic vector space is 8-dimensional, but beside the usual vector addition and calculus there are different multiplications added. The author uses complex multiplications in the complex  4-dimensional space C4 for calculus. The SU (3) multiplication of GellMann 3x3-matrices is used for C³ and its three 4-dimensional C² projections. Projective spaces are CP² for nucleons and a GR Higgs plane P² and projective measuring GF‘s which have 3-dimensional, orthogonal base vectors like spin. The doubling of quaternionic spacetime to octonians has a different multiplication and seven GF‘s which partly occur in physics as cross product equations. Beside the real, the complex cross product extends the spacetime dimensions from 4 to 8. Consequences are that there are many 3-dimensional, many 4-dimensional, some 6-dimensional and also projective 5-dimensional spaces in which the actions of gravity can then be described. Spacetime is for this not sufficient. No symmetry can be muliplied to the standard model since the new symmetries belong to different geometries and are not directly related to a set of field quantums like one photon for EMI, three weak bosons (or four) for WI, eight gluons for SI. GR has graviton waves similar to EMI waves and in quasiparticle form rgb-graviton whirls, for mass Higgs bosons, maybe also solitons (density as mass per volume changing). They attribute to a distance metric between two points (kept fixed) an amplitude density (operator} which changes the metrical diameter of the volume, but not the mass.


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How to Cite

HE, G. K. (2021). Interactions, space presentations, blocks and cross products. GSC Advanced Research and Reviews, 6(2), 061–073.



Review Article