Interest of beta 2-microglubulin determination in chronic hemodialysis patients
Chronic Hemodialysis, Beta-2microglubuline, Age, Diuresis, Hemodialysis, Duration of membrane, Type amyloidosis, SCCAbstract
The amylase beta 2-microglobulin (β2m) is a common complication of long-term hemodialysis, mainly responsible for osteo-articular manifestations including carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). With the aim to study the various parameters involved in the increase of and determine the interest of dosage, we conducted a cross-sectional study of 104 chronic hemodialysis patients for more than 6 months. The mean age of patients was 52.82 years with a male predominance (62.5%). 61, 3% of our patients are anuric. They all have intermittent hemodialysis at 12 hours per week using a low permeability membrane in 52% of patients. The average age of dialysis layout is 42, 18 years. The mean duration of hemodialysis was 74 months. The mean serum β2m is 35, 24 mg / l. regarding complications, there were four confirmed cases of carpal tunnel syndrome and 12 deaths. Our study objectify the parameters involved in the increase of β2m: The current age, age advanced dialysis layout, lack of urine output, low permeability membrane and extended duration hemodialysis. Increased serum levels of β2m in our hemodialysis demonstrate the poor treatment of middle molecules. Its reduction can be made by improving the quality of dialysis and will avoid all the complications.
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