Fight against covid-19 and setting new research tasks
External physical fields, energies affecting viruses, Destruction of viruses by resonant vibrationsAbstract
The SARS-CoV-19 (COVID-19) coronavirus pandemic poses a threat to all of humanity, and this threat is currently growing as new and more aggressive strains of it emerge. Therefore, the fight against it is an important and urgent task. The traditional ways of solving it by vaccination, disinfection and quartzing have problems and significant drawbacks, which are limited by the time and conditions of action, and most importantly, they require large expenditures of intellectual, labor and technical-economic resources. At the same time, vaccination is still acting in catch-up with new strains, which leads to local periods of lack of immune protection, in which the only method of protection is used - this is the introduction of restrictions. The main goal of the work performed is to find other effective ways to combat COVID-19. The initial research methods are biophysical. Scientific novelty and the results of the work. The analysis showed that destruction of viruses this can be achieved by the by inducing resonant frequencies created by an external electromagnetic field. On this basis, the first task was formulated - the search for the range of such resonant frequencies, as well as the second task - the search for the range of frequencies that activate the virus in order to exclude the appearance of such range in the developments of systems and devices surrounding people. These tasks are presented for wide discussion by the scientific community, government and non-government health authorities of all world countries in this work. It’s of would create the basis for their quick solution.
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