High-Risk Surgeries during the COVID-19 Epidemy Primary tabs
COVID-19, Operating room, High-risk surgery, Safe surgeryAbstract
Introduction: The prevalence of coronavirus has led to minimal and emergency surgeries. It is recommended that surgery should be performed if it is necessary during the treatment process in order not to interfere with the treatment of patients, but surgery, which are more likely to transmit COVID-19, should be identified in order to have a safe surgery and improve the safety of patients and staff. Therefore, the present study aimed to identify surgeries with the possibility of transmitting COVID-19.
Method: The present study was conducted by an integrated review method. Searching was performed by keywords COVID-19, surgery, operating room, anesthesia, and instructions on PUBMED, Science Direct, Ovid, and ProQuest databases; and 98 studied were obtained. It decreased to 42 items after removing the duplicate items and reviewing the abstract of articles, and finally 23 studies were selected for review based on the inclusion criteria. The inclusion criteria were English and Persian languages; the relevance of articles on COVID-19, surgery and anesthesia.
Results: Tracheostomy, ear, nose and throat, maxillofacial, and head and neck surgeries such thoracotomy are high-risk surgeries for the COVID-19 transmission.
Conclusion: High-risk surgeries should be performed the full preventive precautions against the COVID-19 transmission.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Raziyeh Ghafouri, Maryam Vosoghian, Zahra Malmir, Sepideh Khodadadi

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