Contribution of imaging to the management of acute generalized peritonitis in the visceral surgery department of the Sino-Guinean hospital
Acute peritonitis, Imaging, Visceral surgery at the Sino-Guinean hospitalAbstract
Introduction: Acute generalized peritonitis is a life-threatening emergency. It is most often secondary to a perforation of the digestive organ and or to the spread of an intra-abdominal septic area.
Methodology: We carried out a descriptive retrospective study lasting from January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018 on the contribution of imaging in the management of acute generalized peritonitis general surgery department of the hospital Chinese-Guinean. Were included in our study, all records of patients with acute generalized peritonitis will be confirmed by imaging. We carried out an exhaustive recruitment of all complete files. Our variables were analyzed using the Epi-info 7.2 software.
Result: Out of 578 hospitalized patients, peritonitis represented 8.8% of cases. We noted a male predominance with 60.8% and a Sex-ratio: M / F = 1.6 whose mean age was 41.9 ± 13.5 years; extremes ranging from 17 and 67 years with a modal class ≥ 30 years or 88.3%. Housewives were the most collected with 25.5%
Abdominal pain was the main reason for consultation, i.e., 90.2%, the physical sign was dominated by a convex and sensitive Douglas-fir, i.e., 27.5%.
The clinical diagnosis was supported by abdomen without preparation and abdominal ultrasound; performed in 84.3% and 15.7% of patients, respectively.
We noted a morbidity rate of 15.7% dominated by septic shock (15.7%).
Conclusion: Our study made it possible to determine the contribution of imaging in the management. In addition, in our study, the abdomen without preparation and the abdomino-pelvic ultrasound were revealed as a key link in the management of acute generalized peritonitis.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Oumar Taibata Balde, Soriba Naby Camara, Houssein Fofana, Abdoulaye Korse Balde, Mamadou Saliou Barry, Mama Aissata Camara, Mohamed Camara, Aboubacar Toure

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