Non-traumatic abdominal surgical emergencies at the Communal Medical Center (CMC) of Matam, Conakry


  • Kondano Saa Yawo Department of General Surgery, Ignace Deen National Hospital, Faculty of sciences and health technic Gamal Abdel Nasser University of Conakry, Conakry, Guinea.
  • Fofana Naby Department of General Surgery, Ignace Deen National Hospital, Faculty of sciences and health technic Gamal Abdel Nasser University of Conakry, Conakry, Guinea.
  • Camara Soriba Naby Department of Visceral Surgery, Donka National Hospital Faculty of science and health technic, Gamal Abdel Nasser University of Conakry, Conakry, Guinea.
  • Haba Monece Department of Visceral Surgery, Sino-guinean friendship hospital, Faculty of sciences and health technic Gamal Abdel Nasser de Conakry Guinean Friendship Hospital, Conakry, Guinea.
  • Soumaoro Labile Togba Department of General Surgery, Ignace Deen National Hospital, Faculty of sciences and health technic Gamal Abdel Nasser University of Conakry, Conakry, Guinea.
  • Diallo Biro Department of Visceral Surgery, Sino-guinean friendship hospital, Faculty of sciences and health technic Gamal Abdel Nasser de Conakry Guinean Friendship Hospital, Conakry, Guinea.



Non traumatic, Abdominal, Surgical, Emergencies


Aim: The aim of the study was to bring the frequency and management of non-traumatic abdominal surgical emergencies back to the Matam communal medical center.

Material and methods: This was a retrospective, descriptive three-year study (January 2016 to December 2018) which focused on the files of patients treated in the surgical department of the surgical medical center (CMC). By Matam, for a non-traumatic abdominal surgical emergency.

Results: Non-traumatic abdominal surgical emergencies represented 49.98% compared to surgical pathologies. The average age was 31.36% with extremes of 10 and 75 years. A male predominance was noted with a sex ratio = 1.07. The average consultation time was 5.53 days. Abdominal pain was the main reason for consultation. Acute appendicitis and strangulated hernias were the most common and ultrasound was performed in 21 patients (5.05%) and unprepared abdominal x-ray was performed in 49 patients (11.89%). All cases were operated on urgently. The operative consequences were simple in 94.42%. We noted parietal suppurations in 2.18%, postoperative peritonitis in 2.43% of cases and 9 deaths. The mean hospital stay was 7.14 days.

Conclusion: non-traumatic abdominal emergencies constitute a public health problem, the prognosis depends on the quality and the precocity of the patient's care.


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How to Cite

Yawo, K. S. ., Naby, F. ., Naby, C. S. ., Monece, H. ., Togba, S. L. ., & Biro, D. . (2021). Non-traumatic abdominal surgical emergencies at the Communal Medical Center (CMC) of Matam, Conakry. GSC Advanced Research and Reviews, 8(1), 041–044.



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