Influence of environmental factors and its associated health risks of noise pollution in Owerri Metropolis, Imo State, Nigeria
Decibel (dB), Environmental factors, Health Risks, Noise, Pollution, Metropolis, Sound MeterAbstract
Noise pollution contributes to environmental degradation and poses a threat to human and terrestrial lives. Noise pollution can be regarded as environmental noise and the propagation of noise may develop a harmful impact on the activity of human or animal life. This study was conducted to determine the influence of environmental factors and its associated health risks of noise pollution in Owerri Metropolis, Nigeria. The study employed a cross sectional descriptive research design. Measurement of noise levels was carried out at 24 different locations. The sampling technique used in this study was a cluster sampling technique. The average reading for each location and each ward were calculated. Also, 900 respondents comprising adults who live and/or operate in the areas were interviewed on the health risks associated with noise, using structured and standardized questionnaire. The results obtained showed that the computed average noise level at the 24 different locations ranged from 79.4 – 95.8dB, and all of which were significantly (P<0.05) above the acceptable standard ranges of <80dB, thereby rating the noise level not acceptable because they can be capable of causing discomfort and pains in man. Influence of environmental factors on noise pollution; 29(3.2%) reported heavy vehicular traffic plying residential areas contributed to noise generation, 33(3.7%) said indiscriminate blowing of siren. Perceived health risks were reported as 47(5.2%) disturbs sleep, 24(2.7%) causes annoyance, 41(4.61%) causes headache and 21(2.3%) interference with conversation. In conclusion, environmental factors, poor education and lack of enforcement of the laws influence noise generation and there is need to check the level of noise pollution in Owerri Metropolis.
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