Neonatal outcome in neonatal intensive care unit Sanglah Hospital: Assessed by SNAPPE- II score
Mortality, Neonates, Outcome, SNAPPE II scoreAbstract
Neonatal mortality is topic of concern for many medical faculties. Recently Score for Neonatal Acute Physiology with Perinatal Extension-II (SNAPPE-II) is used to predict the mortality and morbidity of neonates in neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). This study aimed to find the association of mortality and morbidity among neonates using SNAPPE-II score in NICU of Sanglah Hospital with cross-sectional design. All newborns admitted in NICU within 48 hours of birth since January - December 2020 were recruited as sample and assessed by using SNAPPE-II. Statistical analysis was performed by using Chi-square test and Mann–Whitney U test. Eighty-three newborns fulfilled inclusion criteria. In the mortality group, 75.6% had SNAPPE score ≥ 37 and 24% had SNAPPE score <37. SNAPPE-II score ≥ 37 showed an association with mortality group in NICU (p-value 0.000). Moreover, subgroup analyst of neonatal outcome in survived group related to SNAPPE-II score showed significant different in length of stay (P=0.033), ventilator usage (P=0.017) and duration of antibiotic usage (P=0.049). The Score for Neonatal Acute Physiology Perinatal Extension II (SNAPPE-II) is a useful tool to assess severity of illness and mortality. SNAPPE-II score > 37 is associated with neonatal mortality. The high SNAPPE-II score in the survived group also affects length of stay in NICU, ventilator and antibiotic usage. These findings imply that SNAPPE-II can be applied routinely in NICU to know the most critical newborn for prioritizing the management of care and for counselling the parents.
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