Characterization of the physicochemical properties of sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum) cultivated in Korhogo in the North of Côte d’Ivoire
Sweet pepper, Capsicum annum, Physicochemical properties, KorhogoAbstract
Sweet peppers are consumed less in Korhogo, in the north of Côte d'Ivoire, than other hotter peppers. In addition, the sweet pepper is underexploited, it encounters problems of conservation, distribution. This study is a valorization of the sweet pepper. The physical properties are: 5.8-6.93 cm for length, 14.21-15.03 cm for circumference, 34.28-42.65 g for weight, 91.19-91.80 % for humidity, 0.49-0.61 % for ash content. The contents of biochemical elements are: 5.42-5.54 for the pH, 2.92 meq / 100 g on average for the titratable acidity, 177.45-254.57 mg / 100g for reducing sugars, 3,42-4.29 % for total sugars, 0.36 % on average for lipids, 0.73-1 % for proteins, 2.03-3 % for fibers, 6.62-6.93 % for total carbohydrates, 32.64-34.7 Kcal / 100 g for energy value.
The amounts of vitamin C, polyphenols, flavonoids, tannins are respectively: 26.67-51.25 mg / 100 g; 116.16-131.28 mg / 100 g; 1.97-4.43 mg / 100 g; 14.74-19.12 mg / 100 g. The contents of anti-nutritional compounds are 363-388.67 mg / 100 g for oxalates, 20.08-22.20 mg / 100 g for phytates. Sweet pepper contains 0.14 % DM on average phosphorus, 0.33-0.37 % DM for potassium, 0.30-0.31 % DM for calcium, 0.167-0.174 % DM for magnesium, 2.76 -3.80 ppm copper, 7.5-7.92 ppm iron, 0.59-0.69 ppm manganese, 16.24-16.34 ppm zinc, 6.46-20.15 ppm sodium. Processed before consumption, Sweet pepper constitutes a significant source of food fibre, natural antioxidant, and mineral elements for local population.
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