Weight-length relationship and condition factor of Mugil cephalus (Linnaeus 1758, Mugilidea) in the special wildlife reserve of Gueumbeul (RSFG) in Senegal
Mugil cephalus, Condition factor, Regression, Gueumbeul, SenegalAbstract
The weight-length relationship and the condition factors are fundamental parameters with several uses in biology, fish ecology and fisheries management. Thus, in the Special Wildlife Reserve of Gueumbeul (SWRG) in Senegal, the weight-length relationship and condition factor were established for Mugil cephalus (Linnaeus 1758). A total of 311 individuals (97 females and 214 males) of M. cephalus were collected by the artisanal fishery using cast nets. The total length and weight ranged from 11.1 to 25 cm and 15.9 to 145.26 g, respectively. The results showed that in the SWRG, both in females (b = 2.60) and males (b = 2.899), M. cephalus had negative allometric growth. The analysis of variance showed no significant difference (p > 0.05) in the coefficients of determination between females (R = 0.96) and males (R = 0.84). Condition factors (K) were 3.07 and 1.23 for males and females respectively for M. cephalus in the reserve.
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