Valorization of Vitellaria paradoxa butter in cosmetics and agrifood in Africa
Vitellaria paradoxa, Shea butter, Uses, Cosmetics, Food, AfricaAbstract
Forest species are very abundant in African ecosystems and contribute to the economy of households, through their use in cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and agri-food. Among these species, Vitellaria paradoxa (sapotaceae) is a tree that can reach about fifteen meters, which grows exclusively in wooded savannas in Africa. Its area of distribution is Senegal, Mali, Burkina Faso, Guinea Bissau, Guinea, Sierra Leone, Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana, Togo, Benin, Nigeria, Cameroon, Chad and Ethiopia. The purpose of this study was to highlight the forms of valuation of shea butter in the food industry and in cosmetics. To do this, we carried out a literature review. The results revealed that shea butter is a fat extracted from the kernels of the shea fruit. It is obtained by shelling, drying and crushing the nuts. Crushed seeds and then mixed with water. Once immersed in water, the impurities will come out naturally from the butter and thus settle in the bottom of the container. Then, the butter that has remained on the surface is collected, and kneaded, to be cooked for a long time at a very low temperature. The water evaporates, leaving only room for the oil, which will be manually filtered through muslin and then conditioned. Once at room temperature, the butter (melted into oil) regains its solid and melting texture. This butter, for its properties, is on considerable importance in food industry and cosmetics. Thus, shea butter is used in cooking (edible oils), in pastry products, confectionery and in chocolate industry as a substitute for cocoa butter. In cosmetics, it is best known for its moisturizing and softening properties of the skin. It is also used as an excipient in cosmetic formulations such as ointments, shampoos, toilet soaps and in creams.
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