Effect of Irradiation process on mango
Mango cultivation, Improve practices, Effects of irradiation on mango, Advantages and disadvantages of irradiation on food.Abstract
Mango (Mangifera indica L.) is one of the choicest tropical fruit of the world and rightly designated as "King" of all fruits. It is a nutritionally important fruit being a good source of vitamin A, B and C and minerals. Post-harvest losses in mangoes have been estimated in the range of 25 to 40% from harvesting to consumption stage. Improved practices and preservation have a great impact on retaining mango fruit quality and on the supply chain. Nowadays food irradiation process is an engrained technology for the preservation of foods and food products. Three different kinds of ionizing radiation are applicable for food irradiation processes (Gamma-rays which is emitted from the radio-isotopes Cobalt-60 and Caesium-137, or electron beams and X-rays). Food irradiation can be considered an evolving technique that is capable of increasing the shelf-life, deferring the ripening and senescence of fruits, and thwart of microorganism activity along with insect infestation. Irradiated food is save for human health. This review article is focusing on irradiation effects on mango and the adoption of improved practices by the farmer for export besides that of food safety.
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