Some physicochemical parameters in the surface water of mini Whuo Stream in Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria
Aquatic environment, Contamination, Ecological system, Mini Whuo Stream, Physicochemical parametersAbstract
The levels of physicochemical properties of Mini Whuo Stream in Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria was evaluated. The physicochemical parameters were analyzed using standard conventional procedures. The average values recorded for the physicochemical parameters during the months of investigation were in the range; temperature; 30.00±0.42-30.26±0.83oC, with all-round mean of 30.14±0.47oC, pH; 6.22±0.33-6.42±0.25 (6.29±0.29), electrical conductivity; 146.01±74.04-147.26±75.13µS/cm (146.58±74.69 µS/cm), total alkalinity; 61.63±6.37-62.20±6.41mg/L (61.91±6.41 mg/L), sulphates; 109.67±51.34-110.67±51.88mg/L (110.22±51.81 mg/L), nitrates; 12.20±2.38-12.60±2.86mg/L (12.31±2.65 mg/L), turbidity; 49.32±1.49-50.18±2.02 NTU(49.83±1.55 NTU), TDS; 74.20±36.43-75.61±37.50 mg/L (75.00±36.81 mg/L), TSS; 27.14±2.12-28.37±0.78mg/L (27.64±1.89 mg/L), chlorides; 15.17±2.90-15.66±2.70mg/L (15.34±2.65 mg/L) and salinity; 24.36±4.83-24.82±4.97mg/L (24.66±4.78 mg/L). The evaluation of the physicochemical parameters showed that the Mini Whuo Stream has been contaminated due to human activities within the stream and therefore adequate measures should be taken to forestall the present situation of the stream in order to mitigate any possible increase in deterioration of the studied physicochemical parameters in the stream beyond acceptable limit.
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