Relationship between stems moisture to medical (Senecio L.) and elevation in Shan County
Roots moisture, Elevation, Relationship, Eco-adaptation, Eco-functional value, Medicinal plantAbstract
A key plant species (Senecio L.) not only is a vital multilevel functional medicinal material of indications of respiratory tract infections, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, pneumonia, conjunctivitis, enteritis, dysentery, but also it is a widely distributed wide plant species. This plant species is widely distributed elevation from 500m to 1500m in six landscapes in Shan County of China. However, understanding dynamics of stems moisture of the plants is difficult along elevation. Herein showed that relations between stems moisture of the species and elevation is a significant positive connection from 500m to 1000m (P<0.01) as well as relationships between stems moisture of this species to elevation is a significant negative connection from 1000m to 1500m (P<0.01). This study provides six types and eco-adaptation for finding new species. Therefore, this study has theoretical and practical significance for plants protection along elevation and environmental gradient over the spatial-temporal-environmental-disturbance scales (STEDS) in the multilevel green space diversity.
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