Aspergillus flavus: A degrader of commercial brake fluids
Aspergillus flavus, Jenox and Abro brake fluids, Total viable count, Optical density, pHAbstract
The role of; Aspergillus flavus during the deterioration of brake fluids; was identified. The impact of; A. flavus on used and unused brake fluids; were studied. This research was carried out at the University of Port Harcourt from September 2019 to November 2020. Abro and Jenox DOT3 brake fluids were the samples used for this research. The sample included their unused and used counterpart. Tests to identify microorganisms and physico-chemical parameters; were done. Total viable count, pH and optical density; were tested to check for the level of biodeterioration. Biodeterioration rate was more in Jenox brake fluid than Abro brake fluid. Aspergillus flavus is a major biodegrader in the brake fluid samples. Total viable count and optical density increased as the days progressed during biodeterioration while pH decreased. Brake fluid is an essential fluid needed by most vehicles to function. It is necessary to top-up brake fluid or substitutes; at the appropriate time. No two brands of brake fluid are the same. Therefore, it is advisable not to mix.
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