Innovative approach for nasal drug delivery system for brain target
Nose, Brain, Blood-brain barrier, Brain target, Nasal drug deliveryAbstract
The goal of brain drug targeting technology is the delivery of therapeutics across the blood brain barrier (BBB), including the human BBB. Nose to brain drug delivery has received a great deal of attention as a non- invasive, convenient and reliable drug delivery system. For the systemic and targetedadministration of drug. The various drug deliveries through some drug transport pathways, Factor influencing nasal drug absorption, formulation strategies nose to brain, colloidal carriers in nose to brain drug delivery system and nasal delivery systems. Physiological barriers (BBB) that restricts the delivery of drug to CNS. Thus intranasal route has attracted a wide attention of convenient, non-invasive, reliable, and safe route to achieve faster and higher level of drug in the brain through olfactory region by passing blood brain barrier. Intranasal administration rapid onset of action, no first –pass effect , no gastrointestinal degradation lungs toxicity and non-invasiveness application and also improves bioavailability.
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