Genetic polymorphism of opioid receptors and use of opioid substances by high school students of Cotonou and Parakou (Benin)
Receptors, Opioid, Polymorphism, Teenagers, Young adultsAbstract
In Benin, schools become sometimes the hub for dealing and consuming psychoactive substances; opioids in particular. The objectives of this study are to identify the risk factors related to the use of opioids and investigate the genetic polymorphism of mu and delta opioid receptors of teenagers and young adults who consume opioids in schools. To accomplish this, 453 students participated in this study; R diversity 3.6.1 software in the RStudio environment was used to identify students who experience opioids through ASSIST V3.0 scoring. SNPs A118G on the OPRM gene (µ) and T921C on the OPRD gene (d), were searched by PCR on DNA extracts from peripheral blood of individuals. We identified 54 regular opioid users and 399 non users. This experience begins for most with the consumption of alcohol and tobacco and is facilitated by the proximity of marshlands, kiosks, and pubs near high schools and colleges. The aggressive advertisement combined with relative socio-cultural tolerance just worsen this behavioral deviance. We found no difference in the SNP frequencies of the OPRM (µ) and OPRD (d) genes between students opioids consumers and non-consumers.
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