Household waste management system: The new of SGDS facing the challenges of sanitation in Cotonou (Republic of Benin)
Cotonou, Household waste, Management system, COGEDA / DST, SGDSAbstract
The growth of household waste is noticeable in several cities in Africa due to rampant urbanization and population explosion. This state of affairs creates many management problems. The city of Cotonou, the country's main economic hub, is no exception to this reality. The inadequacies of DMS management by the COGEDA (Coordination of NGOs for the Management of Household Solid Waste and Sanitation in Cotonou) and the DST (Technical Services Directorate) of the town hall of Cotonou led to the establishment of the SGDS (Waste and Sanitation Management Company). However, there are still challenges in terms of sanitation in Cotonou. This work aims to describe the novelty in the current system of household waste management in Cotonou and the challenges it faces. Documentary research, direct observations in the field, survey by questionnaires and interviews with institutional stakeholders in the management of DMS in Cotonou constitute the methodology adopted. At the end of the field work, we note on the one hand several innovations in the current DSM management system in Cotonou and also some challenges to be taken up in order to make the system sustainable on the other hand.
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