Nutraceutical from Tetracapedium conophorum (Walnut) Protect against cadmium chloride induced hypertension in Albino rats
Hypertension, Nutraceutical, Tetracapidium conophorum, Cadmium ChlorideAbstract
The use of natural plant as food, nutraceuticals consumption, phytotherapy and nutritional therapy has recently become widely used in the treatment of diseases and shown to improve health. The study evaluated the hepatoprotective and cardioprotective effect of some nutraceuticals from phytosterol diet such as Tetracarpidiun conophorom on some parameter as found in albino rats. Cadmium chloride was used for the inducement of hypertension on the albino rats. Each study group was a total number of 10 rats in five different groups made up of the Control Group, Hypertensive Group, Standard group and 2 Test Groups (methanol and n-hexane). Renal function test was done through biochemical analysis, standard methods were used to estimate the serum Urea and Creatinine, Electrolyte and Calcium. Liver function test evaluated was Aspartate Transaminase (AST), Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT) and Alanine Phosphatase (ALP). Some lipid profile was also evaluated. One way ANOVA was used for analysis of the collected data and was expressed as Mean ± SEM. The result of Hypertensive group showed significant increase in sodium level (p) when compared with Control group while significant decrease in Sodium level of Standard drug and Walnut group were observed when compared with the hypertensive Control. Tetracarpidium conophorum study groups exhibited significant decrease in Total Protein level, Conjugated Bilirubin level and Total Bilirubin level when compared with the Control, Hypertensive and the Standard groups. The liver and kidney tissues showed histological distorted patchy necrotic areas on the Hypertensive groups while the Negative, Standard and Test groups showed normal histological tissues/cells. This results suggest that Tetracarpidium conophorum possesses renoprotective, cardioprotective and hepatoprotective effect on the Wistar rats which implies that nutraceutical of the Walnut protection against Cadmium chloride induced hypertension in the Wistar rats.
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