Respiratory pathologies in small ruminants and factors contributing to their outbreak
Pneumopathies, Small ruminants, Peste des petits ruminants, Pasteurellosis, Mycoplasmosis, HeartwaterAbstract
Pneumopathy embraces all diseases relating to the lungs. However, this name is more often used to refer to a lung infection. There are several types of lung disease: infectious, interstitial, inhalation and hypersensitivity. It should be noted that pneumopathies of infectious origin are the most frequent. Indeed, a pneumopathy designates an inflammation of the lungs and more generally the respiratory system. It can be of various origins, viral for example, but most of the time, it is bacteria (pasteurella, streptococcus, pneumococcus, mycoplasma, etc.) that are involved. Globally, pneumonia remains the dominant pathology in small ruminants in sub-Saharan Africa. They generally evolve during the dry- cold and rainy season causing many mortalities. Although small ruminants contribute a lot to the national economy in African countries, their development is hampered by various infectious factors such as peste des petits ruminants, pasteurellosis, mycoplasma, etc. Apart from these factors there are also the non-infectious factors, namely climate change, stress, the farming method and the production system. In fact, small ruminants could contribute more to the well-being of pastoralists if they do not pay a heavy price for pathologies. The presence of respiratory pathology, where infectious agents are strongly involved, is reported all over Africa, but very little quantified assessment is made about its prevalence and even less about its economic impact. The objective of this manuscript is to summarize from bibliographic references the different respiratory pathologies of small ruminants, the factors contributing to their appearance, the different pathogens involved, their diagnosis, treatment and prophylaxis.
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