Effect of nitrogen and naphthalene acetic acid on the growth and yield of summer onion
Allium cepa, Nitrogen, Naphthalene Acetic Acid (NAA), OnionAbstract
The experiment was conducted to study the response of summer onion to N2 and Naphthalene Acetic Acid (NAA). The experiment consisted of two factors. Factor A: 4 levels of Nitrogen viz. N0-0kg (control), N1-90kg ha-1, N2-110kg ha-1 and N3-130kg ha-1 and Factor B: 4 levels of NAA viz. H0-0ppm, H1- 50ppm, H2-100ppm and H3-150ppm. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Complete Block Design with three replications. Results revealed that in terms of nitrogen, the highest bulb diameter (4.90cm), bulb weight plant-1 (51.48g) and bulb yield ha-1 (17.78t) were found from N2 (110kg N ha-1). In case of application of NAA, the highest bulb length (3.22cm), bulb diameter (4.38cm), bulb weight plant-1 (45.18g) and bulb yield ha-1 (15.49t) were recorded from H2 (100ppm NAA). Regarding combined effect of nitrogen and NAA the highest bulb length (3.76cm), highest bulb diameter (5.26cm), highest bulb weight plant-1 (55.50g) and highest bulb yield ha-1 (19.60t) were recorded from the treatment combination of N2H2. Considering economic analysis, the highest BCR (2.39) was also obtained from N2H2 (110kg N ha-1 with 100ppm NAA) treatment combination.
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