Mineral and phenolic compositions, antioxidant activity and GC-MS analysis of the leaves of Anchomanes difformis (Blume) Engl. from Côte d’Ivoire
Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Mineral and phenolic compositions, Antioxidant activity, GC-MS]Abstract
The main objective of this study is to contribute to the valuation of Anchomanes difformis, a plant whose leaves are used for its oxytocic effect at the end of pregnancy and its use in the treatment of rheumatism in Côte d'Ivoire. The X-ray fluorescence spectrometer assay showed that the leaves of Anchomanes difformis contain (mg / 100g): K / 2061; P / 315.2; Ca / 1268; Na / 206.9; Mg / 653.8; Fe / 116.4; Cu / 0.79; Zn / 10.03 and Mn / 68.59. The quantitative spectrophotometric analysis of the phenolic compounds of the hydromethanolic crude extract of the leaves made it possible to determine the contents of total polyphenols (6.12 mg EAG / g), total flavonoids (mg EC / g), condensed tannins (0.637%) and hydrolyzable (0.312%). The evaluation of the antioxidant activity, measured by spectrophotometry against the stable free radical DPPH, revealed that the study extract (0.598 mg / ml) is less effective than vitamin C (0.032 mg / ml) taken as a reference. GC-MS analysis of the hydromethanolic extract revealed the existence of several phenolic compounds, the presence of which would be responsible for the therapeutic virtues of the leaves of Anchomanes difformis.
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