Investigation of factors responsible for deterioration of building structures in tertiary institutions

Odoanyanwu Ndubuisi M, Kosisochukwu Emmanuel Chukwujindu * and Emmanuel Ikemefune Kikanme

Department of Architecture, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Anambra State
Research Article
GSC Advanced Research and Reviews, 2021, 09(01), 064–072.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gscarr.2021.9.1.0186
Publication history: 
Received on 29 August 2021; revised on 10 September 2021; accepted on 12 September 2021
Purpose: This research focused on determining factors responsible for deterioration of building structures in Tertiary institutions.
Method: The methodology involved survey design, review of related literature, two sets of structured questionnaires, direct observations, walkthrough evaluations, interviews and photographs. The sample techniques involved both purposive and stratified random sampling applied on a population of 1300 staff, students and 84 buildings respectively. Data was analyzed using frequencies, percentages and mean scores. Pearson correlation coefficient, regression analysis and student t-test were employed in testing the hypotheses.
Findings: Results revealed that structural elements were defective and building components in poor condition of maintenance. The study revealed also that maintenance of buildings in the institutions is not effective. The research concluded that lack of building maintenance, funding and management decision play an important role in the physical condition of buildings which in turn affect staff productivity and students’ academic achievement.
Originality: The related literature analysis shows that no research work has being formulated from the case study on the generated research topic. It shows the originality of this research which emerges from the knowledge gap of the related reviewed literatures.
Building; Maintenance; Structures; Funding; Deterioration; Institution and construction
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