Population genetic structure of macrozoobenthic invertebrates: Its implications for coastal resource management
Fishery management, Panmictic, Genetic diversity, Sedentary, MesoscaleAbstract
Population genetics is not only a mere tool in determining the evolutionary aspect of an organism, nevertheless, also as a tool that implicates macrozoobenthic invertebrate population at the risk of over-exploitation, extinction, declining in number, and sustainable in status. These implications make the population genetically useful that unravel mysterious propound doubts beneath the vast seas and oceans. Macroozoobenthos species such as snails, clams, mussels, lobsters, crabs, shrimps, abalones, oysters, and corals are meroplankton that once in their life cycle they spent as plankton. They float in the water column and have transported hundreds to thousands of nautical miles depending on the water current before settling down and resume benthic mode of life. Their creeping and sedentary lifestyles are prone to easy collecting and gleaning, resulting in over-exploitation and over-harvesting in different regions. Thus, this review aims to consolidate several findings on the population genetic structure of macrozoobenthic species, which has implications for coastal resource management. Collectively, studies revealed that population genetic structures of macrozoobenthic invertebrates such as fine-scale, mesoscale and panmictic population that has genetic diversity, genetic differences, genetic homogeneity, and low genetic variability governed by the demographic barrier, salinity, water temperature, current, distance, and many others. Thus, population genetics is a vital tool in drafting, formulating, and conceptualizing conservation and protection measures of macrozoobenthic species with regards to coastal resource management.
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