Assessment of eight kola trees clones (Cola nitida (Vent.) Schott and Endl.) for their ability to cutting from terminal and sub-terminal branch
Cuttings, Branch, Clone, Sub-terminalAbstract
The objective of this study was to determine the influence of branch type on the cutting ability of eight kola clones (Cola nitida). To this end, the clones were tested in a split-plot experimental design with the factors studied being the clone and the nature of the branch. After seven weeks of experimentation, survival rates were evaluated for each clone and for each type of cutting. The results showed that the clones were significantly different for the survival rates obtained (p = 0.00). The terminal branches were more suitable for cutting (70.62% survival) than the sub-terminal branches (33.95%). The age of cutting therefore influenced the success of cutting in the clones studied. At the end this work, we note that clones 305, 323, 330, 903A3 and 911A2 are promising for kola tree cutting from terminal branch and that clone 910A1 cut easily with both terminal and sub-terminal branch.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Mohamed Sahabane Traoré, Yaya Ouattara, Mohamed Doumbouya , Bouadou Bonsson, Zagbahi Jules Kéli
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