Study of mycoses diagnosed in patients living with HIV hospitalized in the infectious diseases department of the CHU YO of Ouagadougou
Mycoses, HIV infections, AIDSAbstract
Objective: To study the mycoses in HIV patients hospitalized in the infectious diseases department of the CHU YO (Yalgado Ouédraogo)
Patients and method: This was a retrospective study carried out in the SMIT of the CHU-YO over a period of ten years from January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2019.
Results: During the study period 145 cases of mycosis were diagnosed in patients living with HIV. The average age of the patients was 42±11 years. The sex ratio was 0.64. On admission, the majority of patients (71.54%) had an impaired general condition. All patients were severely immunocompromised (mean CD4 count=59 cells/mm3). Digestive candidiasis and neuromeningeal cryptococcosis were the most frequently diagnosed mycoses. Other comorbidities were dominated by digestive coccidiosis (Cryptosporidiosis, Isosporosis) and common germ pneumonia. All patients had received antifungal and antiretroviral treatment. The evolution was marked by a lethality of 25%.
Conclusion: The mycoses are relatively frequent and potentially serious during HIV infection. Their prognosis was even worse when the TCD4 lymphocyte count was low and when there were other associated comorbidities.
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