Infectious morbidity and mortality in the infectious diseases department of the CHU Yalgado Ouédraogo in Burkina Faso in 2019
Infectious pathologies, Epidemiology, Clinic, CHU Yalgado OuédraogoAbstract
Introduction: Infectious diseases remain a major public health problem in developing countries. The objective of this study was to determine the epidemiological and clinical profile of infectious pathology in the infectious diseases department of CHU Yalgado Ouédraogo in Ouagadougou.
Patients and method: This was a cross-sectional and retrospective study that took place in the infectious diseases department of the Yalgado Ouédraogo University Hospital from January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019. Were included all patients hospitalized in the said service during the study period. For each patient retained sociodemographic, clinical and diagnostic data were collected.
Results: In one year, 159 patients had been hospitalized in the infectious diseases department of the YO UHC. The mean age of the patients was 42±9 years with extremes of 15 and 80 years. The female sex was the most represented (55.5%) with a sex ratio of 0.8. The majority of patients (64%) came from the province of Kadiogo. The most frequently diagnosed infectious diseases were HIV infection (24%), pulmonary infections (21.8%), malaria (14%), dengue fever (9%), urinary tract infections (7.5%), meningitis (3.8%), typhoid fever (3%), rabies (3%), chicken pox (3%), tetanus (3.8%), toxoplasmosis (3.8%), and cutaneous leishmaniosis (3%). The signs of severity presented by our patients were dominated by dyspnea, severe anemia, and severe dehydration. The delay of consultation was 13.5 days and the average duration of hospitalization was 9.8 days, with a hospital mortality of 24%.
Conclusion: HIV infection, malaria and pulmonary infections were the most frequent reasons for hospitalization. It is therefore important to strengthen the technical facilities of hospitals for early diagnosis and appropriate management of infectious pathology.
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