The attitude of biology teachers towards improvisation and utilization of instructional materials in teaching and learning biology in private secondary schools in Potiskum local government area
Biology, Teachers, Improvisation, Instructional Materials, learning, Private SchoolsAbstract
This study was carried out on the Attitude of Biology Teachers towards Improvisation and Utilization of Instructional Materials in Private Secondary Schools in Potiskum Local Government Area. Four research questions in line with the purpose of the study were formulated to guide the study. Descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. The target group of the study was the entire 38 Biology teachers from 22 Private schools in Potiskum Local Government Area. Due to manageable size of the group, there is no sample and sampling technique used for the study as such the entire group was used for the study. Data were collected for the study through the administration of structured questionnaire. The data obtained were analysed using mean. The findings of the study revealed that, Biology teachers give students group projects to produce instructional materials and Biology teachers request that students bring materials in the environment to be used as improvised material during lessons. The findings of the study also revealed that, Biology teacher utilized improvised Visual aids like diagram, charts, posters, pictures and photographs for effective teaching of Biology, and Biology teachers utilized available resource person in the community to improvised instructional materials for teaching Biology. The findings of the study further revealed that, the use of Improvised Biology Materials helps the biology teachers to capture and sustain the curiosity and interest of the learners towards the lesson in schools and that the use of Improvised Biology Materials helps the biology teachers to motivate students in the subject being taught. The findings of the study also revealed that, lack of awareness on where to obtain facilities for improvising instructional materials and lack of motivation on part of government for Biology teachers in their efforts towards improvisation of instructional materials for teaching Biology are some of the problems faced by Biology teachers towards improvisation of Instructional Materials for Teaching and Learning of Biology in Private Secondary Schools in Potiskum Local Government Area. It was recommended that, Policy-makers in the secondary schools should raise fund so as to procure materials necessary for improvisation and purchase of textbooks that will facilitate the effective teaching of the course.
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