A Review on the environmental and health impacts due to electronic waste disposal in Bangladesh
Bangladesh, E-waste, Environment, Health, RecycleAbstract
Bangladesh is one of the main importer countries of e-waste in the world. Moreover, country also generates e-waste about 2.81 million metric tons per year. However, majority of e-waste is being dumped into the open soil, open land, or open water bodies resulting problem on environment (i.e., pollution) and human population (i.e., health). Therefore, present review summarizes the environmental and health impact due to disposal of e-waste. Poorly management of e-waste during the collection, processing, recycling, and land filling causing environmental impact followed by air pollution, soil pollution, water pollution, and degradation of the beach because hazardous compounds spread to the surrounding or environment. Furthermore, e-waste also creates lots of health problems. Humans can be exposed to e-waste contaminants by the inhalation, dietary intake, dust ingestion, and dermic contact. In north eastern part of Bangladesh, about 36.3% women who lives near recycling sites experienced the death of a baby. Again, about 15% child laborers die, and 83% child laborers are affected by long term health problem because of e-waste mismanagement practice. There are about 120,000 Bhangaries who may be exposed to e-waste contaminants more seriously. The result of the study would provide us important insight into the growing concern of e-waste and would help policy maker for designing policy measure to recycle e-waste in a hazard free manner.
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