Assessment of knowledge, attitude and practice (kap) of electronic waste management among consumers in Dhaka City, Bangladesh
Electronic Waste, Dhaka City, Knowledge, Attitude, Practice, Recycling SchemeAbstract
Electronic waste is growing at an alarming rate in Dhaka City which would be harmful for the environment and the people of the city if it is not properly managed. This study aimed to explore consumers’ knowledge, attitude, and practice towards electronics waste manage facility of Dhaka city. The Present study follows quantitative research methods and collects data in the way of purposive sampling technique. Every city dweller uses electronic equipment in his house or office for daily activities. Although 100% of people are involved in e-waste generation but they (actually 73.5%) have no proper knowledge about the management of electronic wastes. On the other hand, approximately 96.8% citizens believe that there is a lack of proper management of electronic waste in the city. Again, nearly 95.2% would like to be involved in setting up a responsible and safe recycling scheme in the city area to get rid of from the detrimental effects of the electronic wastes. Of them, about 79% consumers are willing to get involved their selves into proper e-waste management facility by setting up a responsible and safe recycling scheme for the betterment of future generations and minimizing present socio-eco-environmental threat.
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