Acute flaccid paralysis

Raposo Anna Julia Lacerda 1, Freire Eduardo Galvão 1, de Farias Célia Raiany Ferreira 1, Serquiz e Pinheiro Renato 2, Pinheiro Francisco Irochima 3, Guzen Fausto Pierdoná 3, Rêgo Amália Cinhtia Meneses 3 and Araújo-Filho Irami 3, *

1 Undergraduate Student of Medicine at UnP - Potiguar University - Laureate International Universities – Natal/Brazil.
2 Neurologist and Professor at Potiguar University / UnP - Laureate International Universities – Natal/Brazil.
3 Postgraduate Program in Biotechnology at Potiguar University/ UnP - Laureate International Universities – Natal/Brazil. Ph.D. in Health Science.
Review Article
GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2019, 09(01), 092-97.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gscbps.2019.9.1.0197
Publication history: 
Received on 17 October 2019; revised on 24 October 2019; accepted on 26 October 2019
Acute Flaccid Paralysis (AFP) is a syndrome characterized by a diffuse, acute muscular weakness that develops with hypotonia and deep or abolished hypoactive reflexes. Literature review of the last five years in the databases Pubmed, Scopus, Embase, and Web of Science. Data were collected from epidemiological studies using the keywords. AFP includes heterogeneous diseases, variable clinical presentation, and correlated with a specific etiology. The differential diagnosis of acute flaccid paralysis includes spinal cord diseases, acute polyneuropathies, myoneural plaque dysfunction, and muscle disease. PFAs represents a set of disorders used by the World Health Organization (WHO) as an indicator of polio eradication. Therefore, the knowledge and understanding of the respective etiologies are necessary to make their differential diagnosis and appropriate treatment.
Paralysis; Acute inflammatory polyneuropathy; Acute autoimunne neuropathies; Acute infectious polyneuritis; Acute transverse myelitis; Myasthenic syndromes
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