Analgesic activity of the combined extract of sukun (Artocarpus altilis) and melinjo (Gnetum gnemon L.) Leaves in mice

Mashuri Yusuf 1, Lilik Koernia Wahidah 1, Subur Widodo 1, Puspita Gita Sari 1, Mohammad Kanedi 2, *

1Department of Pharmacy Faculty of Math and Sciences, Tulangbawang University, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia.
2Department of Biology Faculty of Math and Sciences, University of Lampung, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia.
Research Article
GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2020, 13(01), 244-250.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gscbps.202013.1.344
Publication history: 
Received on 15 October 2020; revised on 21 October 2020; accepted on 25 October 2020
Analgesic is any drug used to achieve analgesia—relieve from pain, without blocking the conduction of nerve impulses. Sukun (Artocarpusaltilis) and melinjo (Gnetumgnemon L.) are plants that can be expected to have analgesic properties because they contain bioactive that can inhibit biosynthesis of prostaglandins, a hormone-like pain reducing agent. To determine analgesic effect of two plants in question, the combination extract of melinjo and sukun leaves were treated to mice by applying writhing test. Male mice (n=28) were grouped into seven consisted of two control groups (negative dan positive) and five test groups. The negative control group (KN) received CMC 0.5%, the positive control mice received 1.3 mg/kg BW mefenamic acid. Test groups were given leaf extracts of sukun and melinjo with the dose ratios (sukun : melinjo)  as follows (200: 0),  (150 : 50), (100 : 100 ),  (50 : 150), and  (0 : 200) mg/kg BW respectively. After 15 minutes all mice were pain-induced with 1% acetic acid intraperitoneally. Stretching activity of the animals was observed every 5 minutes for 1 hour. The result showed that the extracts with a dose ratio of  (150 + 50) mg/kg BW has a comparable anlgesic effects to the mefenamic acid is the most effective combination among other comination doses.
Analgesic drug; Melinjo; Gnetum gnemon; Sukun; Artocarpus altilis
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