Biochemical analysis of Justicia carnea leaves used as a hematinic
Clinical Biochemistry Unit, Department of Biochemistry, Federal University of Technology, P.M.B. 1526, Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria.
Research Article
GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2024, 26(02), 105–114.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gscbps.2024.26.2.0054
Publication history:
Received on 29 December 2023; revised on 11 February 2024; accepted on 14 February 2024
Justicia carnea is the largest genus of Acanthaceae and is a medicinal plant used widely in Nigeria, reported to have diverse functions, including blood-boosting potential. The phytochemicals, vitamins, minerals, amino acid and proximate compositions of the leaf extract of Justicia carnea were determined using standard methods. Results of the quantitative phytochemical analyses on the leaves of Justicia carnea recorded appreciable presence of flavonoids, alkaloids, saponins, tannins, cyanogenic glycosides, oxalate, and phytate using GC-FID. Ribalinidine with 42.08±0.03 mg/kg was the highest alkaloid, Flavan -3-ol was 21.18±0.02 mg/kg, presented the highest amount of flavonoids, and phytate with 25.69±0.07 mg/kg as the highest antinutrient. Analysis of Justicia carnea leaves recorded iron (8.61mg/kg) as the major elemental content followed by potassium (5.29±0.11mg/kg). The concentrations of vitamins in Justicia carnea leaves showed vitamin C, with the highest value of (232.32±12.26 mg/100g) followed by Vitamin A (22.16±2.12 mg/kg). The results of proximate composition on Justicia carnea leaves showed a high concentration of carbohydrate (60.35±3.05%) and appreciable amounts of ash (15.02±1.01%), fibre (9.29±0.93%), protein (8.40±0.41%), and low amount of lipid (1.50±0.09%). The amino acid results showed the presence of both essential and non-essential amino acids with their concentrations in increasing and decreasing orders. These results obtained showed that leaves of Justicia carnea may serve as rich source of natural antioxidants, this may be attributed to its rich phytochemicals, nutrients and vitamin compositions and could be recommended as a potential source of useful bioactive constituents as vegetable supplement and has no toxic effect and as an effective hematinic supplement when prepared adequately.
Antioxidant activity; Anemia; Biochemicals; Blood tonic; Blood disorders; Herbal medicine; Medicinal plants; Justicia carnea leaf
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