Description of soil impurity for Elbasan city – Albania

Anila Jançe 1, *, Valentin Bogoev 1 and Admir Jançe 2, 3

 1 Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski", Sofia, Bulgaria.
2 “European University of Tirana”, Tirana, Albania.
3“AleksanderXhuvani” University, Elbasan, Albania.
Research Article
GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2020, 13(02), 240-244.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gscbps.2020.13.2.0378
Publication history: 
Received on 15 November 2020; revised on 23 November 2020; accepted on 26 November 2020
This scientific paper enables us to present the bacteriological, physico-chemical parameters and heavy metals present in the soil of Elbasan city. Through this study we have obtained significant data that give us the opportunity to judge about soil impurity of Elbasan city, allowing us to present a current assessment of soil pollution.
The pollution of the land of a historical-cultural city like Elbasan takes on a considerable importance in terms of the impact on the health of citizens, based mainly on the cultivation of agricultural crops in the study area.
In view of this goal, during the September-October 2020 period, some soil samples were taken and analyzed in the laboratory, where the area predetermined by us for samples taking consists of the geographical space where the heavy industries of Elbasan city operate. All bacteriological, physico-chemical parameters and heavy metals part of the soil of Elbasan are presented for the first time in this paper.
As a result of the results obtained where we encounter a significant soil pollution of Elbasani town we think that is attributed to the fact that Elbasan has always been considered as one of the most polluted cities in Albania in recent years.
Finally, we can say that land pollution comes as a result of productive activities of light and heavy industries, which operate without implementing the rules of environmental protection in Albania but also from human activity mainly in agriculture, where we mention the use without criteria of pesticides and chemical fertilizers. 
Bacteriological; Physico-chemical; Heavy metals; Soil impurity; Agricultural crops; Elbasan city
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