Detection of bacterial contamination Salmonella sp. on broiler chicken meat for sale at the traditional market of East Surabaya Indonesia
1 Department of Veterinary Science, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universitas Airlangga Indonesia.
2 Department of Reproduction Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Universitas Brawijaya Malang, Indonesia.
Research Article
GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2025, 30(01), 144-151.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gscbps.2025.30.1.0007
Publication history:
Received on 29 November 2024; revised on 08 January 2025; accepted on 10 January 2025
Objective: This research aimed to determine the presence of Salmonella sp. contamination on broiler chicken meat sold in traditional markets in East Surabaya Indonesia.
Method: The research sample consisted of 30 broiler chickens taken from six traditional East Surabaya markets: Manyar Market, Jojoran Market, Tempurejo Market, Semolowaru Market, Pucang Anom Market, and Soponyono Market. Each sample was inoculated in Lactose broth media, after incubation for 24 hours then inoculated in Tetrathionate Broth media. The samples were then inoculated on Salmonella Shigella Agar (SSA) media. If colonies grow on SSA media that appear round, transparent with a black spot (black center), then proceed with the Gram staining test and biochemical tests, including Triple Sugar Iron Agar (TSIA), urease test, Sulfide Indole Motility (SIM), and Simmons Citrate Agar (SCA). Gram staining of Salmonella sp. shows Gram-negative bacteria, and the TSIA (Triple Sugar Iron Agar) test shows Alkaline/Acid and produces H2S. The SCA (Simmons Citrate Agar) test showed positive results, while the urease test showed negative results. The SIM (Sulfide Indole Motility) test showed a negative indole test.
Results: The results of 30 chicken meat samples sold in traditional markets in East Surabaya showed that 1 sample (3.3%) was positively contaminated with Salmonella sp. bacteria.
Conclusion: Broiler chicken meat sold in traditional markets in East Surabaya was found to be one out of a total of 30 samples (3.3%) contaminated with Salmonella sp. Based on the study results obtained, through this research it is recommended to provide a clean water source for washing equipment and carcasses. It is also necessary to educate traders regarding the importance of implementing sanitation and personal hygiene. Supervision in the process of taking chickens also needs to be tightened and ensured that chickens are free from Salmonella sp.
Broiler Chicken Meat; Contamination; Salmonella sp.; Traditional Market; East Surabaya Indonesia
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