Effect of a selected Ayurvedic herbal formula in the management of Dadru Kushta (Tinea): A critical analysis

Samaranayaka Liyanage Gayani Sewwandi 1, *, Fathima Shazmin Hazari 2 and Jayakody Arachchige Dona Pushpa Premakanthi Jayakody 3

1 Temporary Demonstrator, Department of Cikitsa, Faculty of Indigenous Medicine, Gampaha Wickramarachchi University of Indigenous Medicine, Yakkala, Sri Lanka.
2 Visiting Lecturer, Department of Applied and Natural Science, University College of Matara, Vocational Training, Sri Lanka.
3 Senior Lecturer Grade I, Department of Cikitsa, Faculty of Indigenous Medicine, Gampaha Wickramarachchi University of Indigenous Medicine, Yakkala, Sri Lanka.
Review Article
GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2023, 24(02), 122–127.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gscbps.2023.24.2.0318
Publication history: 
Received on 28 June 2023; revised on 08 August 2023; accepted on 10 August 2023
Most people experience skin conditions like Dadru (ring worm) on a daily basis. The skin is the biggest organ in the human body and protects the body from pathogen invasion. In Ayurveda, all skin disorders were addressed under the term Kushta (skin diseases). Dadru is one of the most common skin disorders according to Ayurveda. The affected population is 15% of the total. Cassia fistula (Āragvadha) grinded with Kādi (Vinegar) was the chosen paste from an authentic text and this review's objective was to investigate how  this selected paste from the Bhaisajyaratnāvali text manages to treat Dadru. Information about Dadru was acquired from Ayurvedic scriptures, contemporary texts and earlier research studies (from primary and secondary sources). A survey of the literature was done on this paste and  examined for their Pancha Padārtha (5 elements of herb) and pharmacological qualities regarding in the management of Dadru. Ayurvedic Pancha Padārtha study has revealed that selected paste has anti-fungal effects. The majority of studies have demonstrated the anti-fungal effects of selected paste, but some articles have also highlighted additional qualities that aid in lowering infection in Dadru having individuals. According to a literature review and Pancha Padārtha analysis selected paste is useful in the treatment of Dadru.
Dadru; Kushta; Pancha Padārtha; Skin
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