The effects of wheat cultivar blend on the content of essential grain minerals

Jošt Marijan 1, *, Vesna Samobor 2, Ivka Kvaternjak 2 and Mirjana Mužić 2

1 JOST Seed Research, Križevci. Croatia.
2 Križevci College of Agriculture, Croatia.
Research Article
GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2021, 14(03), 226-233.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gscbps.2021.14.3.0085
Publication history: 
Received on 14 February 2021; revised on 19 March 2021; accepted on 22 March 2021
In western Europe, not so long ago, wheat was frequently grown in a blend (mixture) of two or more cultivars, which was not common in southeast European countries. However, in recent times again growing wheat cultivars in a blend become more acceptable. Why? There are several advantages to this practice. In a blend, we have the possibility to combine different characteristics of two or more cultivars. For instance tolerance to different diseases, lodging tolerance, to combine characters in negative relation (for instance high yield and good grain protein content), and finally nutritive value of wheat, especially when essential minerals are in question. The last one will be the subject of this communication. Seven high protein wheat lines and one registered cultivars are sown in sixteen wheat 1:1 blends, and the effect of blending was studied with an intention to get a higher concentration of essential minerals and better nutritive value of wheat flour.
Wheat blend; Nutritive value; High protein; Essential minerals
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