Evaluation of thyroid nodules on radiation-exposed workers

Yuyun Yueniwati * and Habiba Aurora

Radiology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Brawijaya Malang, Indonesia.
Research Article
GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2020, 13(02), 001-006.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gscbps.2020.13.2.343
Publication history: 
Received on 13 October 2020; revised on 04 November 2020; accepted on 06 November 2020
Background. Ionizing radiation could cause negative effects on DNA molecules, which leads mutation and tumorigenesis. Thyroid gland is one of the most radiosensitive organ due to the great oxidative process on their physiological condition.  Medical workers have been exposed to radiation during medical image acquisition. The relation between radiation and the increase of thyroid cancer incidence have been studied before, the discussion mostly explain the acute effect of radiation. The aim of this study is to describe the incidence of thyroid nodule on radiation-exposed worker.
Methods. The study was performed in 40 radiation-exposed workers with at least has 5 years working period. We examined using thyroid ultrasonography and blood level of T3, fT4 and TSH.
Result. The incidence of thyroid nodule in radiation-exposed worker is 37.5%, which is higher among female (66%) than in male (29%). Based on the age distribution, most of the nodules were find in workers with age more than 35 years old. According to ultrasonography result and TIRADS scoring, 66.7% of the nodules were benign which categorize as TIRADS 1 and only 33% of the nodules were categorize as moderately suspicious or TIRADS 4.
Conclusion. Radiation-exposed workers have high risk to develop thyroid nodules. This study could be used as basic data to do further evaluation. It is important to perform thyroid screening periodically among them.
Thyroid nodule; Radiation Exposed workers; Ultrasound.
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