Evaluation of toxicological profile of methanol leaf extract of Waltheria indica (Sterculiaceae)

Oluwasegun Adedokun 1, *, Ogochukwu Ume 2, Mansurat Odunola 1, Didacus Nnamani 3, Christiana Jesumirhewe 4, Toluwalope Ojo 1 and Ifeatu Aniebue 1

1 Department of Pharmacognosy, Igbinedion University, Okada, Edo State, Nigeria.
2 Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Igbinedion University, Okada, Edo State, Nigeria.
3 Department of Pharmaceutical technology, Igbinedion University, Okada, Edo State, Nigeria.
4 Department of Pharmaceutical microbiology, Igbinedion University, Okada, Edo State, Nigeria.
Research Article
GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2021, 17(02), 034–043.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gscbps.2021.17.2.0267
Publication history: 
Received on 06 September 2021;revised on 25 October 2021;accepted on 27 October 2021
Waltheria indica has been claimed to be used in managing several diseases in traditional medicine, although substantial scientific data are not available as regards its safety despite its pronounced efficacy in management of some ailments. Therefore, methanol leaf extract of W. indica was evaluated for its effects on some toxicological parameters using experimental animals. However, acute and sub-acute toxicity were carried out using experimental animals as described by standard methods. Absence of death reported after 24 hours of single oral administration of W. indica indicated that the crude drug is safe orally and the sample also had no effect on both hematological and biochemical parameters, with mild toxicity observed with some vital enzymes and organs upon continuous oral administration of W. indica for 21 days. However, it can be concluded that prolong usage of the plant for disease management should be discouraged, which implies that usage of the pant for short time usage in disease management. 
Acute toxicity; Biochemical parameters; Sub-acute toxicity; W. indica
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