Guillain-Barre syndrome
1 Undergraduate Student of Medicine at UnP - Potiguar University - Laureate International Universities – Natal/Brazil.
2 Neurologist and Professor at Potiguar University / UnP - Laureate International Universities – Natal/Brazil
3 Postgraduate Program in Biotechnology at Potiguar University/ UnP - Laureate International Universities – Natal/Brazil.
Review Article
GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2019, 09(01), 098-103.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gscbps.2019.9.1.0198
Publication history:
Received on 19 October 2019; revised on 23 October 2019; accepted on 26 October 2019
Guillain-Barre syndrome is the most common and most severe acute flaccid paralysis, usually preceded by an infection or immune stimulation. A literature review of the last five years in Pubmed, Scopus, Embase, and Web of Science databases was done. Data were collected from epidemiological studies using the keywords. Guillain-Barrè syndrome (GBS) is an acute, severe, and fulminant polyradiculoneuropathy. It has ascending muscle weakness, rapid evolution, the involvement of respiratory muscles with an evolution period of up to four weeks. It has the Classic and Variant forms of clinical presentation. Guillain-Barrè Syndrome is a rapidly progressive disease. The diagnosis is clinical but requires exams such as electroneuromyography and cerebrospinal fluid analysis, so that treatment can be started as soon as possible to improve prognosis and increase survival of affected patients.
Guillain-Barre syndrome; Acute infectious polyneuritis; Acute autoimmune neuropathy; Acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy; Inflammatory polyneuropathy acute
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